Allow our expert florists to create a bespoke bouquet for you. This option enables us to select the most glorious blooms on any given day. Who doesn't love a surprise?
If you would like to attach a gift message, please add this note to your order at the checkout and we will lovingly hand write it into one of our note cards to go with your flowers. Additionally, if you have any specific delivery instructions, please also include these in this space so that we can ensure your blooms arrive safely.
We deliver locally and nationally from our small flower shop in Shaftesbury. Please note that local delivery is available Tuesday to Saturday and national delivery is available Wednesday to Friday.
Please choose your preferred delivery service at the checkout.
We will always aim to provide you with the best quality flowers, which may mean that we sometimes need to substitute certain blooms to meet seasonal change. Therefore your bouquet may not always be exact to the one pictured, however we will do our utmost to match it as best we can.